Operation Configuration Attributes Layout selection Translations Content Attributes Menus Page Excerpt Page Type News Example: Git log Redirect Templates Variables Installation

Page Type

The page type is specified in the page attribute type. If this attribute is not set on a page, the exporter will use the value of the attribute childType from parent pages. If childType is not found in parent pages, the page will have the default page type.

Page Type Processor

If a page type is specified in page attributes and a processor for that type is registered, the page will be processed by that processor. A processor typically generates new attributes and adds them to the page's extra attributes. The extra attributes are later used by the final converter (Pandoc). A page processor may recognise and use additional page attributes.


If there is a template in the configured layout for the selected type it will be used by the final converter (Pandoc) to convert the page. If there is a CSS file in the configured layout for the selected type it will be inserted into to the page in the YAML attribute sx.main-css. A template can then reference the attriubte to set the style of the page.